- [Invited, in Chinese] H. Zou “ Robo-Advisor ushers in a New Era for Financial Inclusion(机器投顾开启普惠金融服务新时代),” Financial Computerizing Magazine 《金融电子化》(a publication of People's Bank of China), Aug. 2016.
- [Invited, in Chinese] H. Zou “ How FinTech will change the financial industry (FinTech如何改变金融业),” 8th China Cloud Computing Conference, Beijing, China, May. 2016.
- A. Chowdhery, H. Zou, and J. M. Cioffi, “Dynamic Spectrum Management: Path to Gbps DSLs,” in review.
- J. M. Cioffi, H. Zou,
A. Chowdhery, W. Lee and S. Jagannathan, “Greening the DSLAccess
Network with Dynamic Spectrum Management," Int. J. Autonomous and
Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 369 - 395,
- R. Raghavendra, H. Zou,
M. Charafeddine, Z. Han, and J.M. Cioffi, “Low Complexity Multi-user
Rate Region Maximization for Frequency-Selective Interference Channel",
6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Conference (IWCMC), Caen, France, Jan. 2010.
- H. Zou,
A. Chowdhery, and J.M. Cioffi, “A Centralized Multi-Level Water-Filling
Algorithm for Dynamic Spectrum Management", invited paper, Asilomar
Conference on Systems, Signals, and Computers, Pacic Grove, CA, USA,
Nov. 2009.
- H. Zou,
S. Jagannathan, and J. M. Cioffi, “Multi-user Joint Subchannel and
Power Resource-Allocation for Powerline Relay Networks," IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany,
Jun. 2009.
- H. Zou,
S. Jagannathan, and J. M. Cioffi, “Multiuser OFDMA Resource Allocation
Algorithms for In-Home Power-Line Communications," IEEE Global
Communications Conference (Globecom), New Orleans, LA, USA, Dec. 2008.
- J. M. Cioffi, H. Zou,
A. Chowdhery, W. Lee, and S. Jagannathan, “Greener Copper with Dynamic
Spectrum Management," IEEE Globecom World Telecommunications Congress
(WTC), New Orleans, LA, USA, Dec. 2008.
- M. Malkin, H. Zou,
A. J. Malek, B. Krongold, and J. M. Cioffi, “Optimal Constellation
Distortion for PAR Reduction in MIMO-OFDM Systems," Asilomar Conference
on Systems, Signals, and Computers, Pacic Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2008.
- J. M. Cioffi, A. Chowdhery, H. Zou, P. Silverman, K. Kerpez, “Vectoring in Level 3 DSM,” ATIS Contribution COAST-NAI 2011-032, Mar. 29, 2011.
- J. M. Cioffi, A. Chowdhery, H. Zou, P. Silverman, “Vectored VDSL Needs Level 1 DSM,” ATIS Contribution COAST-NAI 2010-045, Sep. 15, 2010.
- J. M. Cioffi, A. Chowdhery, H. Zou, P. Silverman, “Mixed Vectored and Non-Vectored VDSL2,” ATIS Contribution COAST-NAI 2010-005, Dallas, TX, Jan. 27, 2010.
- J. M. Cioffi, A. Chowdhery, H. Zou,
P. Silverman, “The UK NICC Report on Dynamic Spectrum Management (DSM)
Methods in the UK Access Network,” ATIS Contribution COAST-NAI
2010-049, Sep. 15, 2010.
- J. M. Cioffi, A. Chowdhery, W. Lee, H. Zou,
G. Ginis, P. Silverman, “An Intermittent Noise Model for DSM,” ATIS
Contribution NIPP-NAI 2008-101R1, Montreal, CA, Aug. 12, 2008.
- J. M. Cioffi, H. Zou,
A. Chowdhery, P. Silverman, K. Kerpez, “Distributed Multi-Level
Water-Fill and Efficient Implementation Mechanisms for Level 2 DSM,”
ATIS Contribution COAST-NAI 2011-030R3, Indianapolis, May 2, 2011.
- J. M. Cioffi, H. Zou,
A. Chowdhery, P. Silverman, “Efficient Distributed Robust DSM Level 2
Spectrum Balancing,” ATIS Contribution COAST-NAI 2010-004, Dallas, TX,
Jan. 27, 2010.
- J. M. Cioffi, P. Silverman, A. Chowdhery, H. Zou,
D. Wei, R. Cendrillon, “Complexity Analysis for the Centralized
Waterfilling Algorithm,” ATIS Contribution COAST-NAI 2010-006, Dallas,
TX, Jan. 27, 2010.
- J. M. Cioffi, A. Chowdhery, H. Zou,
D. Wei, R. Cendrillon, W. Lee, G. Ginis, P. Silverman, “Facilitated
Computation of DSM Level 2 Line Spectra for DSM Issue 2,” ATIS
Contribution NIPP-NAI 2009-021R2, Long Beach, CA, Aug. 31-Sep. 3, 2009.
- J. M. Cioffi, A. Chowdhery, W. Lee, H. Zou,
G. Ginis, P. Silverman, “Robustness in DSM Level 2 Spectrum Balancing,”
ATIS Contribution NIPP-NAI 2008-102R1, Montreal, CA, Aug. 12, 2008.
- J. M. Cioffi, H. Zou,
A. Chowdhery, W. Lee, and P. Silverman, “Issues on Proposed
Line-Grouping Algorithms," ATIS Contribution NIPP-NAI 2008-125, Hawaii,
Nov., 2008.
- J. M. Cioffi, H. Zou,
A. Chowdhery, W. Lee, and P. Silverman, “Robustness in DSM Level 2
Spectrum Balancing," ATIS Contribution NIPP-NAI 2008-102, Miami, FL,
Apr. 2008.
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